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Third Trimester Wisdom






During this time you feel like labour is fast approaching and every emotion under the sun is being felt!  You may also feel very prepared or not nearly enough!  This is normal.  I will help you make sense of what you are feeling and give you all the information you need to feel confident and prepared for when your special day comes. 


Topics we will cover

Signs & Stages of Labour 

  • You will learn to recognize what to expect in practice, early and active labour

  • You will learn about optimal positions in labour as well as information regarding birthing the placenta


Comfort Measures

  • You will learn about the  fear/tension/pain cycle and how comfort measures play a huge role in breaking this cycle

  • You will learn a variety of techniques and practices to use in labour whether or not you choose to use pain medication options 


Birth partner role

  • You will learn about your partner's role in labour

  • You will learn how partners should take care of themselves and why 


Welcoming Your Baby

  • Sleep

  • Bathing

  • Signs of Concern

  • Breastfeeding basics

Transition to Motherhood

  • You will learn about postpartum health and wellness and the key pillars (REST, SUPPORT, NOURISHING FOODS & COMMUNITY) to support your transition to motherhood

  • You will learn about the importance of a holistic approach to postpartum mom care and support


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